Friday, August 31, 2012

What a week!

It has been a rough week in our household.  Not only has the end of summer cold/sinus thing been going around (which is why there hasn't been a new post) but the hubby has been getting ready for his first college game of the season.  He is a college and high school football official with games on Friday nights and Saturdays.

The hubby doesn't look like this
but I can't post a pic of him
per the league restrictions

However, this week his first game was a Thursday night game.  He was so excited.  It is now Friday morning and the good news is he is on his way home - Yay!  The bad news is he is coming home with a dislocated shoulder and an orthopedic appointment this afternoon. I am so sad about this because he is very good at what he does and he absolutely loves it.  You wouldn't believe all the preparation during the summer for the season.  Needless to say, his season may be over before it ever gets started.....will see this afternoon.

He does have a sling and now has
a smile because I gave him one
of my pain pills from my last surgery!!

On another note, I am a fan of Robin Roberts and Good Morning America.  Yesterday was her last for awhile as she gets treatment for MDA.  With that being said, I want to leave you with this prayer that she and her family have grown with - I think I will adopt it for myself.

The LIGHT of God surrounds me,
The LOVE of God enfolds me,
The POWER of God protects me,
The PRESENCE of God watches over me,

I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

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